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19 Tips to Get Kids Involved in Spring Cleaning: Fun Activities That Kids Love

Tips to Get Kids Involved in Spring Cleaning

Tips to Get Kids Involved in Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is an excellent opportunity to refresh your home and start the new season on the right foot. However, it may also be a cause of worry and frustration for many families. One way to make the process more enjoyable is to involve your kids in cleaning. By making cleaning fun and engaging, you can teach your children the importance of caring for their space while getting the job done faster and more efficiently.

Why it’s Important to Involve Kids in Spring Cleaning

There are many reasons why it’s beneficial to include kids in spring cleaning. For one, it teaches them important life skills like responsibility and accountability. Involving your children in the cleaning process develops a feeling of pride and ownership in them, which can help them take better care of their living area in the long run. Getting your kids involved in spring cleaning can also help reduce your workload and stress levels. You may complete your to-do list more quickly and efficiently with the assistance of your children, allowing more time for enjoyable activities.

How to Create a Spring Cleaning Plan With Your Kids

Before diving into spring cleaning, creating a plan with your kids is essential. This will help you stay organised and ensure everyone knows what’s expected of them. Start by listing all the areas in your home that need cleaning, and assign tasks to each family member based on age and abilities.

When creating your plan, involve your kids in the decision-making process. Ask for their input on which areas they’d like to tackle first, and let them choose the cleaning supplies and tools they want to use. Involving your children in the planning phase will make them feel more invested in the cleaning process and motivated to complete the task.

19 Tips to Get Kids Involved in Spring Cleaning

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore! With a little creativity, you can make it into a fun and interesting exercise for your kids. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Setting the Stage: Preparing for Spring Cleaning

Before diving into the cleaning process, setting the stage and creating an environment that encourages participation is essential. Discuss with your kids the importance of spring cleaning, explain the tasks involved, and emphasize the benefits of working together as a team.

Gather your kids together and have a family meeting to discuss the importance of spring cleaning. Explain that it’s a time to freshen up the house, declutter, and create a clean and organized living space for everyone to enjoy

2. Creating a Cleaning Schedule

Developing a cleaning schedule helps to organize the tasks and ensures that every area of the house receives attention. Break down the cleaning process into manageable chunks and assign specific days or time slots for each task. 

Sit down with your kids and create a schedule that outlines specific tasks for each day or week. For instance, Monday could be designated for cleaning bedrooms, Tuesday for the kitchen, and so on. This way, everyone knows what needs to be done and when.

3. Assigning Age-Appropriate Tasks

Consider the age and capabilities of your children when assigning cleaning tasks. Younger kids can help with simple tasks like dusting, sorting toys, or wiping surfaces, while older children can handle more challenging jobs such as vacuuming or cleaning windows. Tailor the tasks to their abilities to ensure a sense of accomplishment.

If you have younger children, you can assign tasks such as picking up toys, dusting low surfaces, or organizing their belongings. Older children can handle tasks like vacuuming, sweeping, or wiping countertops. Adjust the tasks based on their age and abilities.

4. Making a Game out of Cleaning

Transform cleaning into a game to make it enjoyable for your kids. Set time limits for completing tasks or challenge them to beat their previous cleaning records. Use friendly competition and rewards to motivate them throughout the process.

Turn cleaning into a scavenger hunt where each child has a list of items to find and clean. You can also set a timer and challenge them to see who can complete their tasks before the time runs out. This adds an element of fun and friendly competition to the cleaning process.

5. Utilizing Colorful Cleaning Supplies

Invest in colourful and child-friendly cleaning supplies to make the cleaning process more appealing. Let your kids choose their favourite cleaning tools and supplies, such as brightly coloured gloves or fun-shaped sponges. This small touch can make a big difference in their enthusiasm.

Let your kids choose their favourite coloured gloves, sponges, or cleaning cloths. They can have a green pair of gloves, a blue sponge, or a pink feather duster. This makes cleaning more visually appealing and enjoyable for them.

6. Turning Up the Music

Create a lively and energetic atmosphere by playing their favourite music while cleaning. Dancing and singing along will keep the spirits high and turn a mundane chore into a fun-filled activity. Encourage everyone to let loose and enjoy the cleaning party.

Create a cleaning playlist with their favourite songs or upbeat tunes. Put on the music while cleaning and encourage everyone to dance, sing, and have fun while doing their tasks. This creates a lively atmosphere and makes cleaning feel less like a chore.

7. Rewarding Achievements

Acknowledge your children’s efforts and reward them for their contributions. This can include small treats, a special outing, or even a family movie night. Recognizing their hard work will motivate them to continue participating in future cleaning endeavours.

Create a reward system where your kids earn points or stickers for completing tasks. Once they accumulate certain points, they can exchange them for a small treat, extra playtime, or a special outing. This motivates them and gives them something to look forward to.

8. Exploring DIY Cleaning Products

Engage your kids in the process of creating DIY cleaning products. Simple recipes for natural cleaners can be found online, and involving your children in mixing the ingredients and making their cleaning solutions will add an element of excitement and creativity to the cleaning routine.

Teach your kids to make a simple cleaning solution using vinegar, water, and a few drops of their favourite essential oil. Let them mix the ingredients and use the solution to clean surfaces. This way, they learn about environmentally friendly alternatives and actively participate in cleaning.

9. Teaching Cleaning Techniques

Take the opportunity to teach your children proper cleaning techniques. Show them how to wipe surfaces, vacuum, or organize their belongings efficiently. These skills will assist them during spring cleaning and become valuable life skills in the long run.

Show your kids how to dust using a microfiber cloth, demonstrating circular motions to trap dust effectively. Teach them how to vacuum properly by going slowly and overlapping the vacuum lines. By teaching these techniques, you ensure they are cleaned efficiently and effectively.

10. Encouraging Room Decoration

Combine spring cleaning with room decoration to make it more appealing to your kids. Allow them to choose new curtains, rearrange furniture, or add colourful artwork to their spaces. This way, they will feel a sense of ownership and pride in their clean and refreshed rooms.

After cleaning their rooms:

This allows them to express their creativity and take pride in their clean, personalized spaces.

11. Organizing Toys and Books

Involve your kids in organizing their toys and books. Teach them the importance of decluttering and donating items they no longer use or need. Help them create designated spaces for different toys and introduce storage solutions that are easily accessible to them.

Create a system where each toy category has a designated bin or shelf. Teach your kids to sort their toys accordingly, such as putting all the LEGO pieces in one bin, stuffed animals in another, and books on a specific shelf. This promotes organization and makes it easier for them to find their toys later.

12. Sorting and Donating Old Clothes

Spring cleaning is an excellent time to review your kids’ wardrobe and sort out clothes that no longer fit. Encourage them to participate in the process of selecting clothes to donate. This instils in them a sense of empathy and the importance of giving to those in need.

Set up a donation box and encourage your kids to go through their clothes. Explain the importance of donating clothes they no longer wear or have outgrown. For instance, they can choose five items to donate for every new item they receive. This teaches them about giving back and decluttering responsibly.

13. Planting and Gardening

Spring is synonymous with new growth and vibrant colours. Engage your kids in planting flowers or starting a small vegetable garden. This hands-on experience will teach them about nature, responsibility, and the satisfaction of watching something grow.

Take your kids to a garden centre and let them choose flowers or vegetable plants they want to grow. Assign them a small plot in the garden or provide pots for their plants. Guide them in planting the seeds or seedlings, watering them, and monitoring their growth. This fosters a love for nature and teaches responsibility.

14. Cleaning Outdoor Spaces

Extend your spring cleaning to outdoor spaces like the patio, backyard, or garage. Let your children be involved in sweeping leaves, wiping outdoor furniture, or washing the car. It will give them a sense of pride in maintaining the entire home, inside and out.

Involve your kids in cleaning the patio by sweeping leaves, wiping outdoor furniture, or helping with washing the car. Make it a team effort by assigning tasks and working together. This reinforces the idea that maintaining the outdoor spaces is just as important as the indoor areas.

15. Creating a Chore Chart

A chore chart can be a helpful tool for organizing and tracking responsibilities. Involve your kids in creating the chart, and let them choose their preferred tasks. This promotes a sense of ownership and accountability, making the cleaning routine more structured and manageable.

Design a chore chart with colourful stickers or magnets. Let your kids choose the tasks they want to take responsibility for, such as setting the table, feeding the pets, or emptying the trash. Display the chart in a visible area and update it regularly to track their progress and accomplishments.

16. Going Digital with Cleaning Apps

Harness the power of technology by exploring cleaning apps that provide step-by-step instructions, reminders, and even gamification elements. These apps can make cleaning more interactive and engaging for children and adults.

Install a cleaning app that offers age-appropriate cleaning checklists or games for kids. Some apps have interactive features like virtual rewards or characters guiding them through cleaning. Let your kids use the app as a guide and engage with the cleaning tasks in a tech-savvy way.

17. Incorporating Safety Precautions

Prioritize safety during spring cleaning by teaching your kids about potential hazards and the correct use of cleaning tools. When necessary, provide them with age-appropriate protective gear, such as gloves or masks. Educating them about safety precautions ensures a safe and enjoyable cleaning experience.

Teach your kids to wear gloves when handling cleaning chemicals or to wear a mask when using powders or aerosols. Show them how to safely use cleaning tools such as a step stool or a mop. Explain the importance of reading labels and following instructions to prevent accidents.

18. Teaching Time Management Skills

Spring cleaning offers an excellent opportunity to teach your kids about time management. Set realistic goals and encourage them to plan and prioritize tasks. This valuable skill will serve them well in various aspects of their lives.

Set a timer for each task and challenge your kids to complete it within the allocated time. This helps them learn to manage their time effectively. For instance, they can clean their play area in 15 minutes or fold their clothes within a specific timeframe. Encourage them to plan and prioritize tasks accordingly.

19. Celebrating the Accomplishment

Once the spring cleaning is complete, celebrate the achievement as a family. Appreciate and acknowledge the collective efforts, and enjoy the clean and refreshed home together. This positive experience will reinforce the importance of teamwork and create lasting memories.

Once the spring cleaning is complete, plan a special family activity or outing to celebrate everyone’s hard work. It could be a picnic in the park, a movie night at home, or a visit to a local ice cream parlour. This creates a sense of achievement and reinforces that cleaning is a team effort with a rewarding outcome.

Making Spring Cleaning a Habit for the Whole Family

Spring cleaning should be something other than a once-a-year event. By making it a regular habit, you can keep your home clean and tidy all year round. Here are some tips to help you make spring cleaning a regular part of your family’s routine:

1. Schedule Regular Cleaning Days

Set aside one day each month for a deep clean, and involve your kids. Break it down: Instead of cleaning the entire house in one day, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will make cleaning less overwhelming and more manageable for everyone.

2. Use Positive Reinforcement

Offer rewards or incentives for completing cleaning tasks, such as extra screen time or a special treat.

3. Lead by Example

Show your kids that cleaning is an important part of caring for your home by making it a priority in your life. When they see you trying to keep your space clean and tidy, they’ll be more likely to do the same.


Getting your kids involved in spring cleaning can be a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family. Using these tips and tricks, you can make cleaning more enjoyable and teach your kids essential life skills. So grab your cleaning supplies and prepare to tackle your to-do list together!


When can I start involving my children in spring cleaning?

You can begin involving your children in spring cleaning as young as two or three years old by assigning age-appropriate tasks such as dusting and sorting toys.

How frequently should I do spring cleaning with my children?

Spring cleaning is recommended once a year, but by making a timetable and incorporating your children in the planning process, you may make it a regular habit.

What if my children refuse to assist with spring cleaning?

Please encourage your children to take ownership of their responsibilities by explaining why it is necessary and how it benefits the family.

Should I supervise my kids while they do their spring cleaning?

Yes, you should supervise your children while they clean to ensure their safety and that they are performing the tasks correctly.

What are some examples of age-appropriate cleaning tasks for children?

Younger children can assist with simple tasks such as dusting or picking up toys, whereas older children can handle more complex tasks such as vacuuming or cleaning bathrooms.

Why is it important to get kids involved in spring cleaning?

Involving children in spring cleaning teaches them valuable life skills such as responsibility and accountability, as well as instils a sense of pride and ownership in their living environment.

What other life skills can my children learn from spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning can teach your children responsibility, time management, and problem-solving skills in addition to cleaning and organisation.

Can I involve my children in deep cleaning tasks such as oven or window washing?

It is best to involve your children in age-appropriate and safe tasks. Adults should perform deep cleaning tasks such as cleaning the oven or washing windows.

How can I instil the value of keeping a clean and organised home in my children?

You can instil the value of keeping a clean and organised home in your children by explaining how it benefits the family and makes daily life easier. You can also get them involved in the organisation.

What if my children make a mess while cleaning?

Accidents occur! Please encourage your children to clean up after themselves and remind them that making mistakes is a normal part of learning.

Is spring cleaning a good family activity?

Absolutely! Spring cleaning can be an excellent way for families to bond while cleaning and organising their homes.

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